
Fr+ is a free platform open to students ages 14-17 that allows you to join online communities based on your interests. You can discuss and discover French content that is geared toward your language level. Fr+ is your francophone space on the internet.

In order to ensure a positive experience for everyone, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Fr+ is a safe space to practise and live in French

In a sea of English online communities and websites, Fr+ provides you with a space to communicate and live your interests in French with other like-minded youth. The nature of the website requires that all posts and comments should be written in French, therefore Fr+ fosters an environment where:

  • Your level of French comprehension (reading, writing or speaking) is not evaluated, by French for the Future, Fr+ or its users.
  • You must respect and include all users of varying levels of comprehension; you must not criticize or make fun of others' use or comprehension of French.
  • You must respect linguistic, cultural, and regional differences to the language, there is no right way to speak or write in French.
  • Fr+ is an environment in which users can learn from one another. However, you must ask before providing advice or corrections.
    • Similarly, authors seeking help should indicate it in their posts or comments.
  • If you wish to write in English, we ask that you use one of the many online communities already available to you.
  1. Remember : we are human

Remember that the members of the Fr+ community are human like you. They have feelings, beliefs, imperfections, and emotions. Keep this in mind when posting, or commenting. Do not write what you would not tell someone in person.

As users of Fr+:

  • You must be courteous and respectful with everyone, their ideas, and their opinions.
  • You should avoid using language structures that can lead to confusion or open to interpretation, such as sarcasm and using all caps.
  • You must not use derogatory language in your posts and comments.
  • You must not promote dangerous and/or illegal activities or products, or encourage others in the participation of such activities, even if it is meant as a joke.
  • You must not share or divulge any confidential or private information about yourself or other Fr+ users.

French for the Future and Fr+ will not tolerate acts of discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, family status, disability, or any other basis not named above.

French for the Future and Fr+ will not tolerate any abuse of any kind of any Fr+ participant whether emotional, physical, verbal, or sexual in nature.

  1. When posting

When posting articles or replying in comments always:

  • Think of the impact your words may have on others.
  • Read through your writing a second time and be sure that what you want to say is clear.
  • Use a tone that is respectful.
  • When commenting: be sure to read the article or post in full before commenting.
  • Allow others the space to express themselves too.

Express yourself: don't be afraid to express yourself. Following netiquette will allow you to be heard and make it easier for others to understand.

  1. General use

  • Be aware of the potential challenges and risks associated with the use of social media and online platforms.
  • Users and participants of Fr+ must follow provincial and municipal laws and regulations.
  • Be yourself: do not create multiple and false profiles. These will be deleted.
  • Do not spam: spamming another user or an article could lead to account deletion.
  • Respect people's privacy, do not divulge any personal information regarding other Fr+ users or yourself.
  • Engage in healthy discussions with others.
  • Cite and credit sources when applicable.

Actions and behaviours that jeopardize the safety and comfort of any participant will not be tolerated. Anyone breaking these rules and codes of conduct will see their account blocked and permanently deleted from Fr+.